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About this website

This website is made for the purpose of simply winning the game.

User theusaf created this website so that he could easily find the answers to quizzes and win.

As time went on, this site got a bunch of features, including random names, improved searching of quizzes and even answering for other players.

Why use this website?

This website is great because you don't ruin a game by spamming it with hundreds of bots, but instead send a single, OP bot to claim victory. The website is run by Heroku, so it is unlikely to go down as well. I also maintain my programs actively, so if there are issues, it can be solved quickly.


Hey! It's not finding the quiz!

There are many reasons why it might not find the quiz:

  1. There are many quizzes of the same name.
  2. The quiz is not public.
  3. The quiz has randomized questions
  4. You joined in the middle of the game.
    • Input the name of the quiz if you joined in the middle.
    • You can also input the UUID if you know that.
    • Otherwise, play normally.

How do I use the player takeover feature?

The reason I require a password for this feature is because it isn't very fun for others. Anyways, heres a hint:

Is answering for your friends to make them get it wrong morally acceptable?

You might find more hints in other places on this page...

List of options and usage

Answer Timeout

This tells the bot to wait a specified time (in seconds) before answering.

Quiz Author

This helps the bot search for your quiz. If you know the author of the quiz, this greatly helps

Quiz ID

If you know the exact link of the kahoot, copy the weird id and paste it here. The bot will use this quiz for the rest of the game.

Quiz Name

This allows the bot to search for the quiz even if you joined in the middle of the game. Just make sure that you provide the EXACT name though.

Search Term

Sometimes using the quiz name as the search term is not the best idea. Put the search term the host used to find the quiz.

Bypass 2FA

If the host enables 2 Step Factors, you can enable this to skip entering the code yourself and just enter the game by sending all possible codes at once.

Fail Purposely

Think you are toooooo suspicious? Enable this to fail every once in a while (20% chance of failure) to seem less sus.

Manual Control

Prevents the bot from answering the question for you. You get to press the button yourself. Press the button. I dare you.

Hide Correct

Want to play without seeing the answers? Do this one. Though you might as well use the normal website...

This also will force 4 answer buttons to show.

Player Hijack

This is rather evil. This is why it is password protected. It answers for other players and makes them angry.

2.6.9 - :)

2.6.8 - Improved Styling, improved backend quiz searching.

2.6.7 - Improved Styling, limited quiz searches to 10,000 (at this point, we assume that the quiz is probably unfindable)

2.6.6 - Improved Mobile Styles, can use ESCAPE for menu bar.

2.6.5 - Added changelog

2.6.4 - Saves options upon reload

2.6.3 - Various bug fixes

2.6.2 - Support all question types, improve searching

2.6.1 - Fixes major bug

2.6.0 - Begins backend support for new question types

2.5.3 - Saves options after using shortcuts

2.5.2 - Improves styles, fixes option saving on windows

2.5.1 - Improves UI, adds caching and progressive web app

2.5.0 - Updates icon, removes ads

2.4.3 - Add google analytics and other meta stuff

2.4.2 - Add 404 page

2.4.1 - Add reconnect button

2.4.0 - Improves efficiecy a lot

2.3.6 - Improves player takeover (the last letter of password is 'l')

2.3.5 / 2.3.4 - Various bug fixes and improvements

2.3.3 - Adds hiding the answers in options

2.3.2 - Add about section

2.3.1 - Taking over players is less evil

2.3.0 - Added player takeover

2.2.0 - bug fixes

2.1.1 - fixes bugs again

2.1.0 - added answer highlighting

2.0.1 - added core css and scripts

2.0.0 - begin work on new, website, recode entire project

pre-2.0.0 / 1.0.0 - Essentially the same, but more ugly and had less features and was quite bad.